The newest public bathhouse in Dogo Onsen

A new public bathhouse was opened in Dogo Onsen.
It’s named “Asuka-no-yu”.

As its name suggests, it was created by imagining Asuka period.
On top of the roof there is a shrine tower with white egret that is a symbol of Dogo Onsen.

Long ago, Prince Shotoku visited Dogo Onsen for medical treatment.
It is said that when he climbed to Isaniwa hill, he praised the scenery.
He also praised the efficacy of hot springs, and he left the inscription to that memorial.
As the motif of the latest public bath in Dogo Onsen said to be the oldest hot spring in Japan, the archaeological style of the Asuka period was selected from the legend that many imperial family visited thereafter as well.

Although the inscription of Prince Shotoku does not exist and it is regarded as one of the biggest mysteries of Dogo Onsen, that replica is put in the courtyard of Asuka-no-yu.

One more place where you can enjoy the hot spring quietly forgetting everyday life has increased.


  1. The auspicious primeur

  2. “Ojino-san”

  3. The foot spa in “Houjoh-en…

  4. The legend of white egret

  5. The white egret

  6. The Tale of Genji

  7. Buntoh-joh

  8. A monument of Prince Shotoku


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