The auspicious primeur

The primeur is auspicious in Japan, and it has been said that it will extend the life by 75 days if you eat.

For example, “初鰹, Hatsu-gatuo; first bonito”, “初鮭, Hatsu-zake; first salmon”, “初茄; Hatsu-nasubi; first eggplant”, “初茸; Hatsu-dake, first mushroom” etc..
Recently Beaujo Nouveau also becomes a popular topic in Japan.
Japanese still seems to like the primeur.

Well, although it is not food, the picture is the firstling of Dogo Onsen, a new type of tram.
To be accurate, it is not a tram, but a LRT (light rail transit).

Two new LRTs were introduced this time, and commercial operations began on September 21.
On the first day, many people like railroads all over Japan visited Matsuyama.

I had a chance to rode it on the other day.
When I got on a different streamlined one than the previous tram, I got a unique smell like a new car.
Although I am not familiar with railroads, I like “firstling” and I was very excited.
When comparing the three types of trams, you can see that the design has changed, while keeping the image color of orange.
(New model LRT from the left, the old model 2100 shape in the center, the oldest 50 type on the right)

By the way, I read that if you turns towards the east and eats primeur with smile, it would brings you the blessings.
From the Matsuyama ciy station and the JR Matsuyama station which are the first stations of the tram, the Dogo Onsen station is just in the east direction.

If you come to Dogo Onsen with this new tram in this season with a smile, the fortune may come to you.


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