Jewels on the waterside

At Dogo Park, we often see people who have a camera.
Particularly they are gathering at the waterside with megaliths.
Their target is the kingfisher.
It is also called “the jewel on the waterside”, because it is covered with bright blue.

This blue is not the color of the wing itself, but it changes to green depending on the degree of light.
It’s said that the name of the jade was named after the kingfisher.
By the way, when we write the jade in Japanese, it’s “翡翠”.
We write the kingfisher in Japanese, it’s also “翡翠”.
You can express both “Jade” and “kingfisher” with the same kanji character.

Blue jewel, kingfisher.
If you can see the Kingfisher, it must be a blue bird of happiness.


  1. Cats in Botchan Square

  2. Cats snuggling each other

  3. Cats in the Dogo shopping street

  4. Cats in the Dogo Park III

  5. Cats in the Dogo shopping street II…

  6. Cats in the Dogo park

  7. The white egret

  8. The shrine dedicated to the raccoon…


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