Angel number

We see many numbers in our daily life.

When we get up in the morning, we may first see the clock.
“It’s OK to sleep for 15 minutes…”

My office is on the 21st floor.
“Please someone press the button of the elevator?”

Let’s have a little luxury for today’s lunch.
“About 1000 yen?”

We can not separate the numbers and our lives.
Among them, “7” is said to be a lucky number.

It seems that Western European culture such as Judaism and ancient Greece originated.
it is said that God made the world over seven days in the Old Testament, so “7” came to be regarded as “being complete”.
In ancient Greece, the combination of triangle and quadrilateral was considered complete form, and “7” which added 3 and 4 was regarded as a special number.
It seems that the phase of the moon is a unit of 7 days is also a factor that seems to make “7” a special number.

For Japanese people, the word “lucky seven” is familiar and it is derived from baseball.
Among American baseball fans, 7th inning is believed to easy for scoring and as chance to win a match.
As popularity of baseball in Japan increased, “7” gradually became to be auspicious number gradually in Japan.

Well, this is related to “7” at Dogo Onsen.
It’s a tram number 77.

Among active vehicles, it is the oldest type, and 21 vehicles are currently running.
Approximately half of them, “7” is attached.
But, this one is only “7” line up.

Ms. Doreen Virtue, the founder of Angel Therapy explains in her work that “7” is an indication of “going on the right path”.
In addition, “7” overlaps “77” further strengthens its meaning.

If you see this tram at Dogo Onsen, the angel might be whispering you like this.
“Do not worry. Believe in yourselves and go ahead.”


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